Sunday, February 24, 2008

Price's Personality

Price's personality is always something that Ron and I are amazed at. He is his own little person, and he has certain things that he wants to be done a certain way. I suppose it could be because he is the oldest. So, tonight he and Daddy finished reading The Magicians Nephew. They have already read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but Price has decided that since they read the books out of order that they now need to go back and read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe then they can continue their progress through all the Chronicles. We thought it was so funny, but tomorrow night, they will be going back to read a book they have already read.

Also today in Sunday school, (I was helping teach his class today) I saw him playing with some items from a doll house. He had a floor lamp in his hand, and he was showing it to another little girl and saying "No, this is the lamp post!" I thought it was so funny!

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