Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Learning to read

Well.. we have done five lessons (we cut back to one lesson a day because two lessons were just too many). He's getting better with it. He has learned a, e, m, and s so far. He consistently remembers s, and today he also remembered a. He just learned e today, but m is giving him a lot of problems. If I show him all the letters and ask him what sounds like mmmmmm, then he will point to it, but if I point to it and ask him what it says, he doesn't remember. I guess it made me feel better today that he remembered a, so I'm just hoping for m pretty soon! He's doing great, and Wesley was really good today while we had school. Price also painted a little this afternoon, but he couldn't use the fingerpaints because he had a scooter accident and cut his finger. We didn't want it to get yucky in the paint, so he did water colors. He didn't like it very much so he just drew a picture of the moon. (He was watching Tigger and Pooh and they were talking about the moon). I'm so glad he's going over to draw by himself without me having to ask him about it, or reminding him of it.

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