Friday, February 15, 2008

First day of Reading

I got Teaching Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons yesterday, and we did the first lesson this morning. He really likes the "say-it-fast" part. He learned "mmmm" and "ssss" today, and when we did the review at the end of the lesson, he remembered "ssss". We had to write the two sounds, and that was atrocious! He just can't seem to hold the pencil right, and he pushes too hard, and he doesn't make the right shapes. I think we need to work on the basic shapes some more. He can't look at something and draw that shape. He can trace it, and draw it pretty good, but not when he's doing it beside the letter. Oh well... maybe it will get better. We at least had fun just hanging out by ourselves for a few minutes. WESLEY DECIDED TO DUMP OUT A WHOLE DRAWER OF TOYS WHILE PRICE AND I WERE WORKING. Maybe he will get better also.

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