Monday, November 10, 2008

Homeschool... the ups and downs

So... yeah... we started Pre-K, and the first week was fantastic. On Monday of the second week we were in the middle of doing school and got a call to go pick up a foster child. We finished our school while we waited on our call-back to say for sure we should go get him. We picked him up and it turned out that he is 2 instead of 1 :) That was at the end of June. He is 3 now, and still with us. So that week of school was a little more difficult, but we got it done. Day 1, Week 3, we are doing school and get a phone call about more foster children. 3 month old twins (one boy, one girl). I was so excited about babies I couldn't stand it! :) I said yes, and we went to get them. I'm not even sure if we finished that week of school or not, but needless to say I was OVERWHELMED with 5 children under 4 with 4 of them in diapers. The twins were both on oxygen and were considered "medically fragile" so to say that I had my hands full was an understatement. SO... I gave up on school... I just completely caved. I didn't even try to come up with solutions, I just quit. I hate to admit that about myself because I don't think I'm a quitter, but I did with this. I just quit!
Fast forward a little over 4 months, the twins are gone, and I'm wondering why I didn't think we were strong enough to do this. We had a great Halloween and now we're looking forward to Thanksgiving and going home for Christmas. We're also doing school again... I realize now that I should have allowed myself to just take a break instead of quitting all-together. I still have the Sonlight Curriculum, and I LOVE it! :) So that's what we're doing. We're going back and starting over and now that we still have our 3 year old foster child, we've included him in the lessons. They are both LOVING it, and we're having a lot of fun.
Lesson Learned: Think before you act!! AND Give myself a "rest" period when we get new foster children!!

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