Friday, March 21, 2008

Kindergarten Curriculum

I use the word Curriculum loosely of course. We aren't going to be using any curriculum for Kindergarten (except Math). Everything else will be put together and taken from different places. But after all that rambling I realized that it is still a curriculum, so just begin reading here... Sorry for that!

We will begin Kindergarten after our Pre-K is over and we take a two week break. Our last week of Pre-K will be July 7-11. We will take two weeks off, and maybe make a lap book of something (maybe Star Wars or Spiderman) I'll let him pick. We'll just get lots of information and pictures of whatever we choose, and make a lapbook. Just do lots of reading about whatever subject he picks.
So Kindergarten begins July 28th. We're going to try to touch on every subject, but I'm going to try to be as flexible as possible. Just read as many books as we can, and work on Price learning to read better.
Price's goals for Kindergarten (as determined by me, of course):
1. Price able to read easy reader books aloud to us when we are done with our year.
2. Introduce him to all the subjects, and do a little of all of them throughout our year.
3. Teach him our house rules, (that I blatantly stole from someone else) and have him understand why we have those rules.
4. Continue to read the bible daily, and show/teach him how to pray on his own. We've let him say "memorized" prayers for too long, and I want to change this.
Mommas goals for Kindergarten (hey... I need to learn and grow also!):
1. Stay flexible and don't let my "plan" get in the way of learning.
2. Make learning a fun and memorable experience.
3. Work on my personal goals and take time for me.
4. Read as much as I can about the Trivium, Charlotte Mason, and Classical homeschooling (I know they are similar, but I want the find the best fit for us).

Those are achievable goals, I think... So how are we going to accomplish them. We are going to try to do school for 36 weeks. Some of these things don't last that long, so there will be plenty of time to spend on something that he doesn't get.

Our Subjects and what we'll be using:
When we start in July, we won't be having AWANA, but we'll have his old book, so we'll probably review some of those verses. We'll be using Beginnings I for our bible study this year. We'll take two weeks on each lesson, and it has daily activities to do. Sometimes it is songs to sing, and sometimes it is an activity. We can get this free online weekly, or pay money for the actual book.
We'll be using the Kindergarten math from Bob Jones Press. I'm getting the student workbook and the teacher's book. I've looked through the student book, and it starts out basic enough (with shapes and stuff) that I think he'll be fine. It is only 32 weeks, so we will have a little flexibility to work longer if we need.
We'll do Explode the Code books A, B, and C (I don't know how long they will take because I don't know how fast he will go through them). Then we're going to start Language Lessons for Little Ones Vol. 2. I just ordered it, so I'm waiting for it to come in. There is a 3rd volume if we need it to finish the year. I'm hoping this will help him in whatever ways he's needing when we finish 100 EZ lessons.
I'm not pushing handwriting. There will be some writing included in his Phonics and Grammar, so I'm not doing anything extra.
Language Arts
We'll be reading stories from the places we study in Galloping the Globe, and we'll be "trying" to read some easy readers. Just LOTS AND LOTS of reading.
I'm still trying to decide about this. It will be my next project. I'm leaning towards Harp and Laurel Wreath, but have heard mixed reviews about it. Plus I saw some pretty good children's poetry books at our library, so I might just use those.
Foreign Language
We'll be using Teach Them Spanish K. It seems like a really good book. It begins with Pre-school and goes all the way to 5th or 6th grade. Hopefully we'll have a different one by then, but this seems to be great for now. He'll learn his numbers, colors, animals, food, transportation, parts of the face, and I can't remember what else. Everything is taught in a game format, so I don't think he'll even know that he's learning. I remember the colors at least from college (it is sad that I have 21 hours of Spanish from college, and can barely remember the colors! Pathetic, huh?) Anyway... so he knows a few of his colors, and thanks to Dora and Diego, he knows some of his numbers. I'm just going to try to make this as much fun as possible, and have fun learning along with him.
We're going to use Galloping the Globe. It is a geography unit study. It picks a different country/continent every lesson, and gives a lot of information about it. We're going to use it for Science and language arts also.
Galloping the Globe and adding in a few experiments that I think will be fun. I'm not sure what kind of science is in GtG because I haven't seen the actual book, but I'm ordering it soon.
We're going to spend the first 18 weeks, going over general stuff. We'll work on drawing basic shapes, then there are a lot of books called Kids Can Draw... (Animals of the World) and other things like that. So after he is good at drawing and painting the basic shapes, then we'll move onto these books. After the first 18 weeks, then we're going to start using Artistic Pursuits (I'm not very good with adding links right now because it takes a while... so just do a search for any books I mention, and I'm sure you'll be able to find them). AP looks like a great book and the good news is that there are three books that should last from K-3rd grade. We're going to go as slowly as we need to get through them. It suggests doing one lesson every week, but there are 32 lessons in each book, so we have almost one whole year extra. We'll be taking it very slowly. AP not only teaches different techniques, it also teaches them some art history. Not anything too in-depth, but if there is something that interests us in the book, then we'll get more books from the library to tell us more about it.
I found an awesome book... well... I think it's awesome. I haven't actually looked at it, but I'm ready to order it. It's called Themes to Remember. It has three books, and you use those three books and follow their six year plan for music. It is mostly music appreciation, so once he gets big enough to decide what kind of instrument he wants to play, we'll have to find someone to teach him lessons (unless he wants to play the trumpet... I already know that).
Virtue Training Focus
Our Virtues for this year are Respect, Obedience, and Honesty. We'll review last year's virtues Kindness, Helpfulness, and Cooperation the first 9 weeks, then we'll spend 9 weeks on each of the new ones. We'll read as many books about these virtues as we can. We'll try for a few a week (if we can find that many).
That's it. I haven't figured out any kind of schedule yet because I don't have all the books, so I don't want to estimate how long I think each lesson will last. I think we're going to try to start out doing the same schedule everyday with the weekly things added in depending on what they are, but we'll mix it up if we need to. I'm going to do my best to be flexible with this, but that isn't really my personality when it comes to "organizing" things, but then again.. that is one of my goals.

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